Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Care Package Ideas For College Students

Care Package Ideas For College Students

Whether they are in their first year, last year or somewhere in between, college students are often in need of essential items to get them through the semester at their dormitory. Additionally, they often enjoy receiving comfort items that remind them of home. Through college care packages they receive throughout the school year, students are able to obtain both the essentials and comfort items they need to get them through all those hours of studying and hard work in order to earn the degree they are striving for. Here are some ideas for items to include if you are sending a care package to a college student.

Manga, comic books, magazines and novels are a great idea for college care packages. Students often get burnt out on reading just textbooks. Manga, comic books, magazines and novels can be a nice enjoyment during a student’s free time when they are taking a break from their studies.

DVDS are also a great option to include in a care package. Students enjoy having movie nights with other friends in their dorm so some extra DVDS of their favorite films are always nice to have. Additionally, some students may also enjoy some DVDS of their favorite television shows to watch while they have some free time or while they are waiting for their laundry to finish getting washed and dried.

A few gift cards are always useful for college students who may be in need of new clothes or other necessary items. Sending them a few gift cards for their favorite clothing stores allows them to make an online order that can be delivered to them through their university’s post office so they can restock on hoodies, jeans, pajamas, dresses, shirts or any other clothing they may need. Additionally, an Amazon gift card is also useful for anything else they may need to order such as shoes, backpacks, blankets, bath towels or any other necessities.


You could also send them some fun things to decorate and accessorize their dorm rooms with. Some ideas include Funko Pops, a dreamcatcher to hang on their wall or photo frames with pictures of their pets, family or friends that they can place on their desk. Another idea is to send them plushies or teddy bears that they can put on their bed.

Accessories are also a good idea to send a college student. Whether they need gloves for the winter, a beanie hat for autumn or sunglasses for the spring, these items are sure to come in handy while walking around campus. Blue screen glasses are also helpful for long periods of time where they will be using a computer. Other accessories that may come in handy for church or special events while they are away at campus include jewelry, hair scrunchies, headbands, tights and socks.

Hygiene products and self-care items are always essential for a college student. Some ideas of items you can pack into their care package include toothbrushes, nail files, tissues, facial cleansers, shaving cream, nail polish, deodorant, soap bars and perfume. Washcloths, bandages, loofahs, hand sanitizer, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, body wash, sunscreen and lip balm are also useful items.

Snacks are great items to add to a college care package as students may be so busy with studying that they might not always have time to grab a full meal. It’s also great for them to have some extra snacks when having to partake in late nights of working on essays or other assignments for their classes. Some good ideas for snacks include hot cocoa, tea, candy, cookies, cereal, oatmeal, granola bars, mints, bubblegum, ramen, chips and pretzels. Additionally, stocking them up on utensils such as chopsticks, plastic spoons, plastic straws and plastic forks is also a good idea.

Despite being busy during the semester, students may still want to try their best to keep their dorm rooms and their personal belongings clean and tidy. Packing them some cleaning supplies into a care package is very helpful. Some essential cleaning supplies you could pack for them include disinfectant wipes, dryer sheets, scented trash bags and air freshener.

Many students enjoy listening to music while they study. Packing a few CDs from their favorite musicians will be a wonderful treat for them. Additionally, students will also want things to help them occupy their free time while stuck inside on a day with poor weather conditions. Some things you can pack for them to enjoy on a snowy day or rainy day include playing cards, coloring books with crayons, writing journals and puzzles.

Finally, stocking students up on supplies they can use while in class or while studying in their dorms is very helpful. Some supplies they may need that you can pack into their college care package include pens, notebooks, flash drives, index cards, folders, highlighters, pencils, erasers, paper clips, USB cables, headphones, rulers, bookmarks and a day planner. You can also add in a card with a thoughtful, encouraging message as you wish them the best with their college studies.

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