Thursday, August 4, 2011

Live Action Movies: Yes or No?

Live Action Movies:  Yes or No?
By Ashley Matthew

Animes and video games hold a dear place in the hearts of many fans worldwide. However, some fans are against Hollywood making live action films of video games and animes, claiming that it ruins the shows and games.  Mostly, I have to agree.
Hollywood has unfortunately ruined most animes and video games when making live action films of them. I personally believe this is due to the fact that Hollywood doesn’t really care about sticking to the original animes and video games without excessively changing everything to the point where the anime or video game represented in the film is barely recognizable. All Hollywood cares about is making quick cash with the films.
Because of this, many fans protest live action films being made and refuse to see the films when they are released in theatres.  As a fan, I still refuse to see the Dragonball Z live action film myself. I personally believe most people who watch the live action films are people who are not fans of the original anime or video game anyways or have most likely never heard of the anime or video game before the live action film was created.
I think if Hollywood live action films of games and animes continue to be made, they should be created by people who are true fans of the actual game or show. They should be made by people who will stick to the original game or show without making unnecessary changes. I also feel that when live action films are made, the original creators of the anime or game should be allowed to have much input with it like J.K. Rowling and Stephanie Meyer have with the movies based on their books. I think the films would have a better chance at success when they have people involved with the filming that actually care about the anime or game.

Video Games: From Obsession to Fatality

Video Games: From Obsession to Fatality
By Ashley Matthew

Many people of all ages enjoy playing video games. There are several games out there that they play to keep themselves entertained. However, sometimes a simple hobby like gaming can turn into a dangerous obsession that can hurt not only other people but also the gamers themselves.
Obsessions with games can cause many issues. One problem includes gamers not being physically active. Because of the gamers not being active enough, it could lead to obesity which causes several health risks.
Rather than sitting at a computer or game console for long periods at a time, gamers should take multiple breaks during game play to move around or either limit how much time they play games  so they will still have time to be physically active. If possible, set a timer to go off while playing a video game so when it goes off, you know to stop playing to take a break. Another way to solve this problem if you still want to play games while also remaining physically active is to play a game which requires physical movement such as Just Dance, Dance Dance Revolution, Dance Central or other Nintendo Wii and Xbox Kinect games.  By remaining physically active, it lowers the risk of obesity and other health issues that could occur from obsessive gaming.
When obsession causes you to take care of your own personal responsibilities, it may cause issues as well. For example, some gamers have lost their jobs from missing work days to play games. It has also caused students to skip classes, not study or do homework which could ultimately lead to poor grades. Gamers should always take care of their important priorities such as work or education first before playing games. 
Another danger from gaming is that some gamers become so obsessed with it that they don’t take breaks to eat, sleep or use the bathroom. Because of this, the consequences of those actions can lead to death.  One example occurred in  August 2005 when a man in South Korea died in an Internet café after playing a video game called StarCraft for days with very little sleep or food.
Obsessive gaming can also cause other health complications that can lead to death.  One British gamer died after playing video games on his Xbox for 12 hours. Autopsy results showed that his death occurred from a blood clot caused by deep vein thrombosis.
Another danger of gaming obsession is not only ignoring your responsibilities but also your friends and family.  In September 2009, a Korean couple became so obsessed with raising a baby in a virtual game that they neglected their own three month old daughter to the point where the child starved to death while the parents constantly left the girl unattended so they could play a video game called Prius Online at an Internet café.  When you have responsibilities that involve others such as taking care of a child, gamers should always put the child’s needs first over a virtual game.
As a gamer, I know how a game you only intend to play for a half an hour could easily lead into hours of gameplay.  I’m not saying gamers shouldn’t play video games at all but gamers should know their limits and consider the risks of excessive game play. By being aware of the dangers that too much game play can cause, they can take action to prevent any danger to themselves or others when enjoying the hobby of video gaming.