Friday, February 24, 2017

Dare To Be Different: The Importance Of Maintaining Individuality

Dare To Be Different: The Importance Of Maintaining Individuality

We often find people in our lives that inspire us, such as celebrities, political figures and even friends or family. They inspire us to want to do something they have done, dress the way they do etc. While finding inspiration from these people can be a positive thing, we should remember to not let it change the person we are completely.

In a world where society wants us to dress a certain way, look and behave a certain way, we need to remember not to lose ourselves. We need to hold on to what makes us unique, whether that’s your passion you have for a certain sport, hobby, personal interest etc. I have seen it on many occasions where people have tried to copy off of others, whether that is through someone’s behavior, actions, style etc. While there is nothing wrong with being inspired by others uniqueness, we should never let it take away anything regarding the person we truly are and we should never change who we are just to try and impress others, gain more popularity or to try and garner attention, especially from someone we look up to or admire.

If people can’t like you for who you are as an individual, then they honestly don’t deserve someone unique and special like you in their lives. You don’t need to look a certain way or imitate someone to fit in. You were born to stand out. That is why we all have our own differences and that is nothing we should ever try to hide or be ashamed of. That is something we should never criticize others for.

As a woman, I hope this message reaches little girls and young ladies who are in that stage of trying to discover who they are as they grow up. I hope they know that they do not need to seek anyone’s approval to be who they are, whether that is a cheerleader for the high school football team, an alto singer in the school choir, a bookworm that loves going to school every day to learn, the gym class wallflower etc. You don’t have to change who you are to get people to like you. The right people will accept you for the amazing individual that you are. So go out and be that wonderfully unique person the world deserves to see.

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