Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Finding Growth In The Struggle & Turning Negatives Into Positives

Finding Growth In The Struggle & Turning Negatives Into Positives

Sometimes in life we go through very tough and difficult times whether it be a family tragedy, a health issue, conflict with a co-worker or a friend, financial trouble, struggles finding a job etc. Often these times of trial can discourage, distress or even depress us. However, the difficulties we endure in life often make us stronger in the long run and help us find the courage we didn’t know we had, the courage to go on despite the difficulties, the courage to overcome these trials we are faced with.

The trick is finding the blessing in the difficulty. Sometimes that isn’t easy and sometimes we may not realize the blessing right away, sometimes not even until the problem has been resolved and we look back on everything we faced regarding it, learning from the experience. So how do we find the blessing? First, we can be grateful for the good things we still have in life while facing these trials and also remembering that things could be a lot worse and that others are facing bigger problems in the world than we are. Not only does that keep us humble and grateful but it often can even help us reflect to where we can possibly even find a solution to the current problem we face.

Of course, it is also perfectly ok to ask for help or advice from a trusted individual such as a friend or family member. If they are able to assist you with the problem, remember to thank them. If they aren’t able to assist you, do not hold a grudge against them for not helping especially if the matter regards financial trouble.

Translation: If you ask to borrow money from them and they tell you they can’t give you any, please try to be understanding. Perhaps they are not in a place where they can help financially for they may possibly be struggling with finances themselves and just not disclosing that information to anyone. Not everyone is comfortable with sharing their problems to the world after all and some people try to tackle on problems without other’s help or knowledge of the matter so if someone tells you the only way they can help is through prayer, please be appreciative of that because they are choosing to pray for you because they care for you and please don’t try to guilt trip them for not being able to do more than that for that may be the only way they can help right now.

Sometimes we go through things that really can’t be helped by anyone else but ourselves. In matters like these, we sometimes realize that if a situation cannot be controlled, there’s no point in exhausting ourselves and stressing ourselves out by fighting the situation. Sometimes it’s just something we have to embrace and by doing so, we can often turn a negative situation into a positive one by finding the way we ourselves can grow through our struggle.

A situation out of my control is something that has affected me in the past and continues to do so today. Through a lot of self-reflection, I came to realize that perhaps God had me go through what I went through in order to grow as a person in a variety of different ways through my life and career. I came to realize that perhaps these changes in my life are leading me to something bigger and greater in my life that I need to embrace rather than try to fight off and that it’s only a matter of time before I see the benefits from it. I have had to acknowledge that what I went though may be helping me to blossom into the person that God wants me to be and to develop my life and career into how he wants it to be. I had to find the positive in the negative by embracing it as an opportunity for growth and transformation in many areas of my life.

Therefore, I encourage you to do your best to find the silver lining in negative experiences and moments of hardship. Do what you have to in order to find a way to grow and become stronger from what you are enduring, even if it takes a while to do so. Keep a heart full of hope, a soul full of gratitude and a spirit of perseverance. I wish you all the best!

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