Thursday, July 11, 2019

How To Avoid Showing Disrespect To Women In The Professional Wrestling Industry

How To Avoid Showing Disrespect To Women In The Professional Wrestling Industry

With advancements in technology, the increase of internet creepers continues. Women in the professional wrestling industry are often subjected to having to deal with these creepers who don’t understand how to be respectful when speaking to a woman, particularly a woman in the professional wrestling industry. Thus, here is the third installment of how fans can avoid disrespecting a woman in the professional wrestling industry.

First, please don't keep messaging her if she says she is currently at training, at work or in class. If she tells you that, she is clearly busy. Continuing to message her non-stop while she is training, working or studying is just inconsiderate and rude.

Next, don't keep messaging her if she says she is trying to get some sleep. Chances are you just woke her up by the notification sound she received from you contacting her via Facebook messenger or by the notification sound she received on her cell phone via text message (presuming she actually gave you her phone number). By choosing to continue messaging her just because you already woke her up is very inconsiderate as she is likely trying to get back to sleep so she can have enough energy for work, training or school the next day.

Additionally, please do not keep creating social media profiles just so you can continue messaging her over and over after she has already blocked you on previous accounts. Chances are if she blocked you, you said or did something to deserve it so please stop harassing her through other social media profiles. All that will do is make you look both annoying and like a stalker and if the harassment continues to persist, she can investigate into doing something more serious about the matter such as taking legal action.

Also, do not add her family or friends if you don't know them. That's beyond creepy, stalkerish and disrespectful towards both her and her family or friends. Many of her friends and family have absolutely nothing to do with the wrestling profession so adding them just because she knows them is very intrusive of not only her rights to a private life but also her friends and family’s private lives as well. Simply put, if you wouldn’t want someone you don’t know invading on your privacy like that, please don’t do it to anyone else.

Next, please don't ask her to create an account on another social media site just to talk to you. She may only use certain social media accounts for privacy reasons and have no desire or purpose to create another social media account on another website that she is not active on. If you ask her to create another account such as Snapchat, Hangout, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp etc. and she tells you no, don’t keep pestering her about it. if she said no, she has her reasons and you need to respect that plus chances are the more you bother her about it, the more she will be less likely to ever create a social media account for that site in the future. Not to mention, most people don't want to create a social media account they have no interest in having just to talk to one person they may not even know personally.

Additionally, if you ask a female in the wrestling profession what her relationship status is and she tells you that she has a significant other, do not add her significant other just to bully, threaten or harass them for being romantically involved with her. Women in the professional wrestling industry 100% know the only reason you would even consider threatening, harassing or bullying their significant other is because you are jealous that they have a romantic relationship with her whereas you don’t.  Also, threatening, bullying or harassing her significant other just because they are in a relationship with her is beyond disrespectful to both her and her significant other. If you threaten, bully or disrespect the person that she loves, she certainly won't want to chat with you due to you choosing to be rude to her significant other.

Next, please don't offer to pay her for sexual favors. She's a professional wrestler, not a prostitute. She wants to be respected for her work in the ring. If you offer to pay her for sexual favors, she’s going to get upset and more than likely block you immediately.

If a woman wrestler says she doesn't do session wrestling, please don't continue to ask her to do them and please respect her decision not to be interested in doing them. There is no reason to be rude to her for telling you she does not participate in session wrestling. Also, if she wasn't interested the first time you asked, she won't be interested a few days later when you ask again.

If you disagree on a woman wrestler's opinions that she has every right to express, it is not ok to go on her social media pages and bully or harass her for having a different opinion than you. That just makes you look rude and disrespectful. It will also likely result in you being blocked by her. 

If a woman wrestler tells you she isn't interested after you keep flirting with her or if she tells you that she is already in a relationship with someone, it is not ok to go on her social media pages and comment on her posts with mean, hurtful or harassing messages just because she turned you down. It just makes you look like a bitter, deranged stalker. It's a very quick way to get blocked and possibly even reported on the social media site, depending on how inappropriate your messages or comments were.

Additionally, if a woman tells you she is not interested or already in a relationship after you keep flirting with her, do not show up at a show she is booked on and harass her from the crowd solely because she turned you down. That is disrespectful and will easily make you look like a bully along with looking like a crazy stalker. It's a very quick way for you to even have a restraining order placed on you, should the female wrestler involved choose to file one. 

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