Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Embracing Our Imperfections

Embracing Our Imperfections

In life, we deal with many things that we consider imperfections. We don’t like something about our looks or we feel we could have performed better with a specific task, test or activity. Often times, we beat ourselves up over these things to the point where it makes us insecure and then we take those insecurities and express them negatively by taking it out on others unfairly or by worrying that we disappointed the people we care about. But how can we take those insecurities and transform them into something positive? 

First, we need to remember that we are not perfect. We are human and we all make mistakes. The important thing to remember is that while we can be our harshest critics, we should not let it discourage us from continuing to try when it comes to a task or activity. Knowing that you tried your best at the time you performed said task or activity, given whatever circumstances you were dealing with is what should make you proud and if the people you worry about disappointing still can’t support you and see that you tried your hardest, then they don’t deserve to see you at your best and don’t deserve a place in your life.

Remember, you only truly fail when you don’t try and that even if you look back on something and feel you could have been or done better, you have to keep trying and never give up. Look at it as working towards a goal, use it as motivation for self-improvement and continue to encourage yourself, telling yourself, you can do better and be better. Accept that the past is the past and you can’t change it. You can only embrace it, learn from it and work harder in the future. Be persistent with your dreams and never stop trying to reach them. 

If you truly want something, you have to remain passionate, committed and dedicated to get it. If you want to reach that goal weight, receive a good grade in that class, achieve a lifelong dream or pass that test to get your driver’s license etc., it’s up to you to work hard for that. There will always be times where you will say “I should have done this”, “I could have done better” or “If I had done this, the outcome would have been a better result” etc. 

It’s ok to think how you could have done or been better but don’t let it stop you or upset you from still reaching for your goals and dreams. Use it as inspiration to do and be better in the future. Embrace your insecurities as a part of you and as a part of your journey to self-growth and self-improvement.

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