Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Power Of Forgiveness

The Power of Forgiveness

Sometimes in our lives, people will hurt us in a variety of ways. They could bully us, gossip about us, spread slander and libel, lie to us or blame us for something we didn’t do to get their own selves out of trouble. They could betray us, push us, throw things at us, physically or mentally abuse us etc. We may not always understand why they do these things to hurt or try to harm us and sometimes we may experience a range of emotions from their actions and words towards us, from anger to sadness. We may even want to seek revenge or sink into a state of depression from the way others mistreat us. 

However, vengeance is not the answer to fix the problem. The better solution to the problem is forgiveness. Forgiveness is not always the easiest thing to do after someone has betrayed, harmed or wronged us but it certainly is the best thing to do, whether the person who harmed, betrayed or wronged you is remorseful or not. 

By choosing the path of forgiveness, you can release any feelings of sadness, hostility, negativity and anger towards the person who hurt, betrayed or wronged you. You take away the power from them by letting go of the negative emotions caused by them because of the way you were betrayed, harmed or wronged. They no longer have any control over you or your emotions and you can free your mind of any stress they were bringing you due to their wrongdoing.

We should still forgive our enemies regardless of whether we receive an apology from them or not. We will not always be given the apology we deserve by those who wronged, betrayed or harmed us and even though we deserve an apology, we should never expect it because it more than likely won’t come because many times the person who wronged, betrayed or hurt us either doesn’t realize what they did was wrong and hurtful or either doesn’t care that it was. In my life, when I have been wronged, betrayed or hurt by someone, I found the best way to finding a way to forgive them is to pray for them and try to see the world through their eyes. Sometimes the person who wronged, betrayed or hurt us may only be doing so because they were having a bad day or they may be facing an insecurity or struggle in their life. They may be dealing with a personal issue or going through a rough time and instead of dealing with that in a positive or helpful way, they may have chosen to take out their frustrations and insecurities on you. 

When people wrong me, betray me or hurt me, I personally pray that whatever difficult trials they are going through in life or whatever insecurities and struggles that they are facing, that the Lord would help them through it and that the Lord would open their eyes and help them to see that the way they mistreat others or the way they take their stresses, insecurities and frustrations out on others isn’t healthy for them and that it isn’t fair to others, particularly the people they are hurting or attempting to hurt, even if that is to try to make them themselves feel better or for any other reason they have for trying to harm, betray or wrong someone. By praying for those who have wronged me, betrayed me or hurt me, I feel more at peace with whatever the situation or incident was that made me feel hurt, betrayed or wronged. It gives me clarity at how to handle any future situations with the person involved that either wronged, betrayed or harmed me, whether they are a friend, family member, acquaintance or stranger.

While it is important to forgive others, remember that if they continue the same behavior that lead them into wronging you, betraying you or hurting you, sometimes in addition to forgiving them, we may have to just ignore the things they say or do. That doesn’t make us weaker but instead makes us stronger because we are showing that we refuse to be affected by their negative actions, words and behavior. If it gets to the point where you feel the situation is too out of control or where you feel unsafe in your work environment, school, home or wherever else this situation is occurring, tell someone you trust and can rely on, and if necessary, take precautionary or even legal actions. I know you probably don’t want to deal with the stresses of having to take such actions but if the situation between you and someone else is that bad or dangerous that taking legal or precautionary actions is what is necessary to keep you safer, do it. Sometimes you have to protect yourself and your life from those who try to hurt or wrong you, even if it is someone close to you such as a friend or family member. 

Remember, forgiveness is a form of power. By forgiving others, you are taking back your confidence, your happiness, your self-esteem, your value and anything else that the person who wronged, harmed or betrayed you tried to take, steal away and diminish from you. Be strong and choose forgiveness today.

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