Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Being Real Vs. Being "Well Liked"

Being Real Vs. Being “Well-Liked”

In life, there are times when you will want to try to impress someone or be like them to try and earn their respect and friendship. We may try to act like them, dress like them and talk like them just to gain their acceptance and approval. However, his can lead in you losing your own personal identity and developing a persona that is not true to who you really are, just to be popular or liked by a certain individual or group.

What we need to remind ourselves is that trying to be something we aren’t can become emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally exhausting. On top of that, if you have to change the person you are just to get others to want to be around you or just so someone will accept you, is that really a true friendship? No, it’s not because instead of accepting you for who you really are, they are accepting you for a façade, someone you are pretending to be just to get their attention or admiration.

Therefore, I encourage you to just be yourself and embrace what makes you different, what makes you real. Those who truly belong in your life will love and accept you for the unique individual you are and won’t try to pressure or change you into being like them or being like someone else just for their time and attention. You don’t have to be something you aren’t just to get people to like you because the people who like you unconditionally for you are the ones who deserve a place in your life. The ones who accept you, your flaws, your strengths, your imperfections, your fears, your past etc. and still think you are an amazing, wonderful person are the people you should keep around because those are the friends that turn into family, the ones who will support and encourage you no matter what happens in your life and the ones who will be there for you through every blessing and every trial.

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