Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Fortune Favors The Brave

Fortune Favors The Brave

When we think of the word bravery or the word courage, we think of heroic acts such as preventing a crime, protecting someone from getting hurt or saving someone from a sudden threat or danger. While those are definitely courageous and brave acts, that’s not the only form of courage or bravery. All of us have the ability to make choices that are brave and courageous every day of our lives. It is through actions that are brave or courageous that we even can find our own successes in lives and make our dreams come true.

A few years ago, I made a brave decision. That brave decision led me to achieve a dream I had hoped for but didn’t think was possible due to particular circumstances at the time. All it took was one little moment of courage which led me to take action and ultimately, opened up a whole new path in my life, one I can honestly say has been one of the best experiences of my life, through the good and the bad and one that I still look back on and remember with happiness. In that brief moment of courage, it has led me to grow and learn so much as a person. I have come to realize since then that every little moment I chose to be brave has led to incredible changes and amazing experiences I would have never expected, had you asked me a few years ago if I’d ever think those dreams and goals would ever happen.

With this, I encourage you all to be brave, in the small moments and the big. Take advantage of opportunities. They could open new doors and take you on many exciting adventures. Try something new even if you are scared. You may learn something great from it.
Talk to that person you want to talk to, even if you are worried about approaching them. You may just make a new friend. Take that chance on fulfilling your dream. It could come true and be even better than you imagined.

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