Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Being A Strong Person

Being A Strong Person

 When we think of the word strong, some people would think someone who is physically strong, someone with an athletic build who can bench press 220 pounds. While this is an incredible feat, that’s not just what strong is about. There are many definitions of what strong is and anybody can be a strong person.

The single mother or father working two jobs to provide for their children is a strong person. The student working two jobs to pay for college while they double-minor and pull all-nighters just to get an assignment for a class done is strong. The child who instead of joining in on the cruelty, chooses to be a friend to someone who gets bullied is strong. The person who chooses to keep going after their dream or goal despite setbacks or criticism is strong. The person who chooses to forgive someone else after they've been hurt by them is strong.

To me, strong is more than just physical. Strong can be emotional, spiritual or mental also. Therefore, I encourage you to be your own definition of strong and to use that personal strength that you possess to help you be confident, successful, and brave. Embrace your personal strength to help you reach your dreams and to live your life as you deserve, which is to live it happy and blessed.

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